Tag Archives: Award winning |South Florida

My baby girl!

My baby girl…. Paisley  The other day she received a balloon from the store clerk….and when we got home i came into the room I noticed the balloon was covered with a bunch of messages. I asked her about them and she said she wanted to send the balloon to heaven for her Nana and…

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Grayson’s Birth story video

I am a little behind my blog posts… but wanted to share this video clip…I was honored to follow this families journey….. Doing their Maternity , Birth and newborn… I cannot wait to watch this little family grow.. Here is a small video I put together of all the images I took. I really hope…

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  • Jen - This brought me to tears. What a beautiful way to capture the pain and beauty of giving birth ReplyCancel

Jordan – 9 weeks new

Jordan… What a cutie!! This little guy came in at 9 weeks old. I used to not take newborns after 2 weeks as you cant really pose them and its a little more difficult but when Mom called and desperately wanted photos of her son I was so hard telling her no……. I am so happy…

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